Headline Rock Acts
Earth Circus
Earth Circus Productions, Inc is a highly acclaimed entertainment corporation located in Half Moon Bay, CA. specializing in immersive, entertainment experiences in the San Francisco Bay Area, the United States and abroad.
We design, produce and execute live, virtual and hybrid events with your vision in mind. Through insight driven expertise, our event leadership team provides the unique combination of global inspired content, comprehensive broadcasting services and custom designed platform solutions.
Locked & Loaded
Locked-N-Loaded is a Country Music Cover Band delivering the “True Country Experience” to audiences all across the Western USA. This exciting band has garnered numerous rave reviews from industry professionals. The band features an authentic, full country line-up including pedal steel guitar and Nashville style lead electric guitar, as well as an electrifying stage show that entertains, captivates and engages the crowd from the very first song all the way to the last. Their songs are carefully chosen and were all #1 chart topping hits that everyone in the audience will know all of the words to and can dance to. Songs that span the years from the classic country hits of the 60’s & 70’s through the prime country years of the 80’s & 90’s and even today’s current billboard topping radio hits.
Billy Harris
For the past twenty years, Billy Harris has been wowing corporate audiences throughout the United States and around the world. His razor-sharp timing and brilliant improvisational skills have made him one of the most sought-after Corporate MC's in the business. A cousin of Vaudeville great Georgie Jessel, Billy has been performing his entire life. By the tender age of five and a half, he understood how to "work a room"! What's the word on the street?" Billy Harris will find out! Whether Billy is on the corner, or on the corner of your Trade Show Booth, Company Sales Meeting, Product Launch, Convention Center or Fundraising Event. Billy will bring your message out to the public with his comedic style and improvisational skills! Billy's film crew will film and edit on the same day of your event, bringing instant live marketing to all of your A+ social media sites. Billy Harris is "The Man on the Street!" Billy has become the "go-to guy" in the culinary world. He has hosted events with Mario Batali, Rachael Ray, Todd English and Michael Symon. You can also find Billy at the South Beach Food and Wine Festival, The Food & Wine Classic in Aspen, and Tales of the Cocktail in New Orleans. Whether he's in South Beach, Aspen, New York, LA or New Orleans, everybody wants to hang with Billy Harris.
From restaurants and bars to local hang outs and the best in style, fashion and entertainment, Billy hangs with the best. Billy is a highly sought-after auctioneer who lends his comedic style to the auction block. His contagious energy, explosive style and ability to work the crowd, will create an atmosphere that will have the audience laughing while opening their wallets! Billy has raised millions of dollars for Share Our Strength, The New York Food Bank, Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation and The Mario Batali Foundation.
Mariachi Los Gallos
The mariachi is the sum of a cultural evolution which has taken place over the last century or so in Mexico.
ORIGINS. Professional musicians accompanied Hernán Cortés when he arrived in what is now Mexico in 1519. Among their instruments were the harp and the vihuela, prototypes of those later used by the mariachi. Natives, who had their own highly developed musical traditions, quickly mastered European musical practices. Many regional traditions of mestizo folk music, including that of the mariachi, resulted from the ensuing cultural and musical blending of indigenous and foreign elements.
The first recognized Mariachis in the 1800’s were only 3 to 4 piece groups. Instrumentation included Violins harp and a guitar variant. The harp was replaced by the Guitarron in the early 1900’s.
It was around 1912 when the trumpet was introduced but was quickly thrown out because it was thought to be loud and annoying. After trial and error, the trumpet began to show up again and made a stronger stand as professional musicians learned how to incorporate the louder instrument. In 1940 the trumpet was added for good and has become a major part of todays Mariachi.
Mariachi – What Does It Mean?
Musicologists and folklorists have argued for years over the origin of the word – Mariachi.
The original theory held that mariachi was derived from the French word for wedding – marriage, because of the type of music played at these events. The only problem with this theory is that the music originates in a part of Mexico the French never visited and, even if they had, it began before their arrival in 1864.
Another theory states that the word comes from the indigenous name of the Pilla or Cirimo tree, whose wood is used to make guitars. If this were true then the word mariachi would be applied to the instrument itself and not to those who play it.
It has also been suggested that the name comes from a festival in honor of a virgin known as Maria H. (Pronounced in Spanish - Maria AH-chay) at which musicians played and that over time they were given this name.
The truth is that no one knows where the name originated, but it is one which is associated with a great deal of prestige not only in Mexico, but around the world.